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What is Hypnotherapy?

Many people are unsure about whether or not they can be hypnotized and whether hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be useful for them. If you are curious about hypnosis, please contact us.


We are happy to give you a no-obligation consultation either in person or on the phone to explain how hypnosis works and how it can possibly address your specific issues or problems.

Regression Therapy

Regression from the hypnotherapeutic perspective is the use of insight from a previous time to enhance, explain and support you in the present.

Regressions can be to times within the current lifetime, to previous lifetimes, or to a time between lives that is sometimes called the Interlife.

Each of these types of regressions can support differing purposes depending on the needs, interests, and intentions of the client.


Reiki is a  spiritual practice that is offered as an energy therapy. Reiki is generally practiced on a massage table to allow for the body to engage in deep relaxation and healing. 

Healing may be physical, emotional, or a combination, depending on the client's intention.


Dr. Paque is a Reiki Master, trained in the Usui tradition, who has been practicing and teaching Reiki since 2011. She is also a practitioner of Kali ki Reiki, which engages the Loveforce energy of the universe to support your own internal healing.

 Read Diana's November 2023 interview with Mystic Mag:


© 2025 Diana Paque and DP Consulting Services

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